
Radio Broadcasting Is Exciting

Radio broadcasting is the form of journalism that is exciting as it enables one to appreciate the voice recording and airtime use.

If there is one interesting thing in life that is exciting is to listen to you voice in the air space.

Broadcasting news either for radio or television is different from print media as it emphasise on TIMELINESS, which alters the news writing style.

In broadcasting, particularly radio, breaking story receives top priority, which makes IMMEDIACY to be valued than any other news values in broadcasting in contrast with print media.

Radio broadcasting, from the experience gained, slightly differs in style compared to print media.

Conversational style merged with tightly writing and clarity is over emphasized in radio broadcasting.

Current happenings often functions as determinant factor in radio broadcasting as it can be used as a newscast.

This lead broadcasting media to be termed “now” media compared to print media.

Timeliness as one of the greatest new value becomes a determinant factor for WHY a news item is to be broadcasted.

Time or lack of it, determines HOW an issue can be reported or broadcasted.

Air time is precious in broadcasting as it emphasized more on the WHAT and the WHERE more than the WHY or HOW.

Broadcasting is concerned with INFORMATION that with EXPLANATION.

And most stories must be told in 20 to 30 seconds and no story can run for more than two minutes.

Unlike print media, broadcasting is different particularly considering the technology involved.

News items are selected for radio because a reporter has recorded an on-the scene audio report.

Some news items are selected for television broadcasting because it is visually appealing.

ACTUALITY that are direct recorded words from the sources who would have saw the happening, affected or participated in the happening make radio broadcasting unique compared to print media.

Radios broadcasting depend on SOUND BITES. SOUND BITES are recorded voices of people directly talked to by the reporter; those involved or saw the happening.

The reporter can capture SOUND BITE by talking to people who saw or visited the area where an event occurred using telephone, mobile phone, Skype technology from the studio.

People involved in SOUND BITE may also include government officials, politicians with local interest, eye witnesses and those who arrived at the scene.

In radio broadcasting reporters are encouraged to “write the way they talk”, and this lead to CONVERSATIONAL STYLE which is simple and informal.

What is key in broadcasting is to know that you are talking to people so tell them WHAT happened.

Tell the WHAT you just saw. In radio broadcasting reporting we use simple, short sentences, with “transitive” verbs in the active voice.

These are some of the nitty-gritty of radio broadcasting that I enjoyed following during my days in the field.

Writing in conversation style in radio broadcasting reporting does not mean one can use slang or colloquialism or chose to be ungrammatically.

Conversational style permits the use of sentence fragments and of truncated sentences, that are sometimes strung together loosely and can begin with conjecture such as “and” or “because”.


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