
The 7 Pillars Of Entrepreneurship

Pillar #1 – Finding You Niche There are myriads of products and so called “gurus” online, what makes you different from all the rest? what do you have to offer that someone more popular than you can’t? this is a problem facing new Internet marketers & entrepreneurs. You goal is to find an area that you know a lot about & use that to your advantage. You want to look for a topic that gets the right amount of search traffic. Not too cold, Or too hot. But just right. use your favorite keyword tool and start searching for things that come to mind. Their are billions of people online searching for millions of topics/products daily. – hey you may just stumble upon someone searching for pink fuzzy computer cases?

Pillar #2 – Branding

Branding is simply building a relationship with your customers & even future prospects. by building a relationship you are allowing those people to build trust for your site & or products. If they trust your products, they will essentially do a lot of your viral marketing (word of mouth marketing) for you. Branding allows for instant promotion for future products & web sites. If a customer has enjoyed your last product they’re more than likely to spend their hard earned dollars on the next. Branding takes place during your email marketing campaigns, advertising, opt-in list, and web site.

Pillar #3 – Networking

Don’t try and do everything yourself! networking with other entrepreneurs will allow for you to take some valuable time off your hands, and get work don’t more efficiently. If you know of someone with a product or website that relates to you why no Joint Venture (JV) ? Their customers may be interested in hearing about your latest and greatest product as well. Joint venture networking can also provide for a quick burst of revenue & add to your growing customer list.

Pillar #4 – Attitude

Are sales falling behind? are you losing customers from your opt-in list? Don’t get Discouraged!. Find the problem and make the appropriate changes. You’ve done it once, and you can do it again. Post a survey or question your customers on changes or information they would like to receive from you. “ask the customer what they want” and deliver. Entrepreneurs are a lively bunch, full of strive and energy. More success further drives us to do better.

Pillar #5 – Time Management

Why spend 15 hours on the computer? Running your own online business is about escaping those tiresome habits of the typical 9 to 5 job. Those types of jobs require you to stay on the jobs long hours at a time. Now you make your own schedule. Pick a few days during the week and a set time during the day where you squeeze in some work. Accomplish all you can during those hours that you have set for yourself, then spend the rest of your day relaxing to a nice movie, or spending time with family.

Pillar #6 – Solving Others problems

We all have problems right? some more than others. can’t think of that next big product? single the Internet and you’ll soon find an answer people are always posting their problems & ways that things could be improved. use that to your advantage and simply “create them a solution” people will love you for this, and you will gain more customers and viral marketing.

Pillar #7 – Have Fun !

Ever heard the saying “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” well it’s absolutely true. Don’t turn into a work-Aholic and enjoy yourself. Internet marketing & entrepreneurship should be fun & exciting.


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