God is the God of Salvation – Good News
The almighty God being a God of salvation is a good or glad tiding that should cause great joy, assurance and hope to the worst or condemned or guilty sinner in the world who is yet alive or breathing. With the above, the worst and hopeless sinner can be saved and restored to great relationship and communion with God and hope and confidence in self regained. Those who have given up on some people or themselves about salvation can have great hope and enthusiasm rekindled in them for possibility of salvation of such people or themselves; etc. And to the sinning folk, this is equally a piece of good news that should not be wished away.
However, this article is based on the testimony or declaration of David, the Psalmist. That testimony or declaration is that “He that is our God is the God of salvation”, who wants all men to be saved. The question then is, what does The God of Salvation Mean? It simply means the God that saves. To save means to deliver a person or thing from danger, harm, evil, trouble or unpleasant condition (Palm 68:19-20). It is also to prevent/protect a person or thing from being or getting lost or falling into a dangerous, unpleasant or regretful experience or situation. The God who is our God is The God of Salvation – the God who delivers, protects or preserves people or things from evil, danger, trouble, unpleasant or regretful situation or experience, in time and in eternity.
Apart from the above records there were many people or persons who had been into serious troubles, problems or unpleasant experiences, but as they cried or prayed unto this God who is our God, or as they took some actions of faith towards Him or His servants, He saved or delivered them from same. Some others He protected, shielded or preserved them that evil could not reach or touch them. All these were to prove or demonstrate that He who is our God is the God of salvation – the God that saves or delivers. Some were saved from the oppression, torment or possession by the devils; some from sicknesses and diseases, hunger, lacks, embarrassment, childlessness; sin; etc. The greatest salvation to experience from the God of salvation however is salvation from the power and eternal consequences of sin, which is experienced through genuine repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, and a total surrender and commitment to His ways.