How Can Technology Help the Environment?
Being conscious of our environment and its surroundings is vital for our survival. With rapid industrialization and modernization, we have become increasingly dependent on machines to rule our lives. Technology has lead to the production of artificial substances like plastic, batteries, etc, which are not necessarily environment friendly. These substances take thousands of years to degrade and release toxic gases and chemicals into the environment, affecting humans, fauna and flora.
However, technology can be used for saving our environment too. The world is increasingly running out of natural resources like gasoline, petroleum, etc. which are used to power millions of vehicles, machines, factories the world over. The huge demand for electricity is also adding up to the existing burden. We can install turbines to produce electricity and power thousands of homes. Turbines do not require fuel to run. Wind power is sufficient to get them going.
We can prevent the chopping of thousands of trees for paper production. Recycle paper. This in turn would mean less destruction of trees. Using computers to store information online will also reduce the usage of paper.
Using hybrid cars instead of gasoline powered ones will prevent the emission of numerous pollutants into the atmosphere. Going for a walk in the park instead of using the treadmill will save a lot of electricity. Using bicycles to cover short distances instead of taking vehicles out will improve your overall health and well-being and preserve the health of the environment too.
We need not bring about drastic changes in our lifestyles to save the planet. A little bit of effort on every individual’s part will go a long way in preventing the rapid destruction of our natural environment.