
Personal Responsibility: Protect Your Wealth

Take The Reins Before It’s Too Late

There’s a global conspiracy against wealth today. It isn’t obvious – no conspiracy is – but the signs are there if you know what to look for. A “jobless recovery”… a collapsing dollar… runaway government spending… bloated “zombie” entitlement programs that’ve long eclipsed the policies they were originally intended to implement and now exist with the sole purpose of furthering their own existence… these are all indicators of the worldwide march away from economic freedom and toward collectivist state control. If and when the conversion to global socialism is completed (and the current liberal U.S. government is sprinting as fast as they can toward that day), wealth will be sin, and it will be too late to protect what you’ve worked for.

That won’t happen, though; at least, not forever. Barack Obama and his “progressive” allies in government, the media, and academe have already shoved the world’s largest free market so far toward the brink that it may be a foregone conclusion that they will be able to accomplish their long-sought goal of “collapsing the system.” Professors Cloward and Piven (look ’em up) suggested just such a tactic years ago, as a precursor toward replacing free market capitalism with “social democracy,” which would essentially be a collectivist economy. So a crash is coming, and this generation will get to see one more iteration of the failed experiment of socialism.

As Lady Margaret Thatcher famously pointed out, the trouble with socialism is that, eventually, you run out of other peoples’ money. That’s what will happen in the long run, just as it’s happened every time collectivism has been tried in history. Those who “produce” in society, deprived of the opportunity to build wealth (or, indeed, to better their circumstances in any way that advantages them over any fellow citizen), will lack any incentive to continue producing. The practical outcome, like it was in the Soviet Union, is to dull-down economic outcomes in every way, from the quota-based management of farms and factories to the eventually scarcity of even cheap and poorly-made consumer goods. The “great” communist societies in history have figured that out and moved back toward the concept of free market capitalism (and societal liberty), either through bloody uprising or through slow concession to entrepreneurialism, with varying results. And the new socialist America, if it comes to that, will turn back to freedom eventually as well.

By then, we’ll have lost time… lost advancements in virtually every field… and lost ground to competing nations who are already on a path back to liberty. The United States, for decades the leader of the world’s economies, will fall to the back of the pack. But, eventually, wealth will again be allowed; in fact, it’ll become necessary again, just like it has been for all the decades of America’s entrepreneurial leadership.

Meanwhile, most will lose everything in the transition. And a few – those with the vision and understanding to read these trends – will become wealthy. Experts say the transfer of wealth from the old-paradigm investors to the newly well-informed will be on the order of $50 trillion in the next few years.

Take steps now to be one of the few winners in the coming transformation. Put some of your portfolio into precious metals, as a hedge. Reduce your reliance on your “job” for revenue. Look for other revenue streams, such as a home-based business, which don’t depend on how well your bosses respond to the rapidly-changing markets your firm is in. And get a real education about the new trends from unbiased advisors who are not simply paid to put you into their own firms’ investment products. These are good ideas even if the experts are wrong about the impending economic storm. But all it takes is a glance at the performance of your old-school portfolio these days to see that, as Bill Murray said in “Ghostbusters,” “the usual stuff isn’t working.”

It seems like bad news. Things may come crashing down around us. But for the visionary entrepreneurs, it’s going to end up being very good news, indeed.


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